Lievito madre from scratch - how to



Hello Everyone, 

can some tell us how to correctly start a lievito madre from scratch?

There are a lot of instructions on the internet but i always have the same problem.

After a few refreshments of the starter, everything is getting sour and the gluten is beginning to break down and i end up with a soup.

There are instructions on the internet to feed the new starter every 48H or 24H at 28C for about 15 days this is very long and very warm in my opinion and can only lead to a starter with a low PH and therefor runny texture.

After the 3/4 time of refreshment everything is getting sour and i end up with a soup, i tried to continue this process of feeding for 10 days but i didn't got a better texture, once the gluten is broken down i cant get out of this so how is it possible to create the lievito madre with this method ?

Best regards,


Michael, I simply convert my liquid starter to solid but I know I have instructions somewhere on how to build LM from scratch. I'm pretty sure it involves refrigeration every night for the "rest" period...but I'll double check

EDIT: refrigeration is for a long rest (more than one day); for overnight, the LM should be kept at 64.4F (perhaps this could be your challenge)?