Baked another 50% Wholemeal Spelt this time without the Porter and a very small amount of fresh Yeast just 1/4 of a 1% 1.5g to be exact. Got things under way at 10.30am with 216g of W/M Spelt and all the water 301g plus fore mentioned 1.5g fresh yeast brought it together and set aside for 4 hours then added the 215g of Caputo Manitoba Ora white flour and 8.6g of Saunders liquid Malt mixed this on the bench by hand for 15 minutes and then allowed 15 minutes rest before adding the butter 8.6g and salt 8.6g and working it into the dough and then setting aside in a covered bowl to bulk Ferment. at 8.15 the dough was well fermented and taken so it was just over 4 and a half hours BF. the dough piece was shaped and rolled in flakey bran before being placed seam side up in a banneton it was then placed inside a plastic bag and consigned to the fridge for the night. I was up at 5.00 and cranked up the oven with the Schlemmertoph clay baker. the loaf was tipped out onto some baking paper and scored it was then slung into the hot clay baker the lid put on and consigned to the oven at 5,40am . The dough did show some sign of deflating from the scoring but when i took the lid off the clay baker at 6.05 it had sprung nicely. The bake was for 40 minutes at around 220C. I have just eaten the slices that i cut for the photo and have to say that the longer slower fermentation has contributed to a great taste. I am able to compare it to the very similar loaf i made with a small amount of Porter in it. Both great tasting loaves, Just need to do a slow all Porter loaf to cap it all off
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That’s a beautiful loaf Derek, the crumb, crust, oven spring, all of it. I’d love a slice right about now. Hope you have a great weekend.
Thanks Benny
We have a great baking adventure coming up 13th of next month. A local facebook group of bread enthusiasts are having a baking get together and we have been invited to use a fairly new bakehouse facility. The Big Loaf Bakery The owners have gone from strength to strength and make some amazing breads.I have been looking for some time to find a suitable venue which is quite difficult. The fact that there is big mixers big oven big bench space its going to be a Big day out for the 13 bread enthusiasts that expressed an interest to join in. So very exciting i'm now planing the 2 doughs that we will be making, i have even brewed the stout for the wholemeal dough its going to require 18.5 litres of the stuff as well as just over 14kg of W/M and just over 14kg of bread flour and there will be a 12 kg Fruit dough too. I am planing on it being a 6 hour fun day with lunch thrown in.
Wow Derek that sounds totally amazing. I wish I lived nearby and could join in. Even just the idea of spending time with people sounds delightful. Enjoy your big baking day.
I wish you did to Benny
That is a tasty looking loaf! The crumb is ideal, and the flaky bran looks like it would add a nice flavor boost.
Hi HeiHei29er
Yes it was very tasty and the flakey bran has few benefits, it does give a bit of flavour , it also helps prevent sticking in the Banneton which i noted was a problem in one of your previous pasts on 15% Spelt. The crumb was very even probably due to the complete degassing after the BF and a tight hand up followed by a 15 minute recovery and degassing for the final shape.
Kind regards Derek