Okay, thanks to a very helpful banana in my last post about a Proof style sourdough sandwich loaf recipe.
Well now I'm stumped on the pan size. I very much suspect that I might need a lot more dough for my pan which is 33x12x12cm(which according to the manufacturer is made for 1kg of dough) but all references I find are for just yeasted doughs, but not sourdough. Does anyone have experience in making sourdough sandwich breads in their pullman pans? How much dough do you put in? Currently I have about a 940g loaf doing through bulk as I test this so I'll find out later just how much dough I'll need, but any advice would be great!
In my 10x10x10, 10x10x23 and 10x10x33 pans. But I'm sure it depends on the other details of the recipe.
I came to this number by guess and check.
How did you come to this conclusion again? Because the math doesn't seem to add up for me. Not to mention the laws of physics
According to that for a 10x10x10 pan it would be 20kg of flour to fit inside that since
10x10x10 = 10^3 = 1000cm^3
1000 x 20 = 20,000
Or am I missing something here?
He's going by length of pan only. The height and width of his pans is constant. So his rule only works for 10x10cm wide/high pans.
To be fair, he did not say _cubic_ cm. You inferred it. ;-)
Sorry for not specifying that. In volume units I guess my number is 0.2g/cm^3.
Thaaaaat makes much more sense. And this is for sourdough, correct? Not yeasted doughs?
Though I often add a tiny pinch of yeast to assure a good rise.
And, as I said it all depends. Guess, check, adjust is my strategy.
Thanks for the advice, at least it gives me somewhat of a starting point instead of guessing completely in the dark.
Though now thinking about it, maybe what the manufacturer was stating the amount of flour since with your estimate it's actually really close to 1kg of flour for my pullman pans at 950g, but probably not
If you need a different starting point, you might try something based on a tip from Dan. Make a loaf of dough, and put in a straight sided clear container for bulk ferment. When it reaches the desired level of development ( assume you are shooting for 100% increase in size ) then make a mark on the container. Then take out the dough, tare the container on a scale, then fill with water to the mark. You now know that x grams of flour that you originally started with, together with added water, salt, yeast and increase in size due to yeast development , will grow to a volume equal to Y grams of water. You then tare your pullman, fill it with water, and then weigh that. Then use the ratio from the first step to determine the amount of flour that would be needed ( when you add water, salt , yeast and increase in size due to yeast development ) to fill the pan. You may feel like you are in 4th or 5th grade because you will be multiplying by a fraction, or solving for x , but it is not that hard.
Alright so a bit of an update! After just two trials I figured out the perfect amount of dough for my pullman pans and turns out it's pretty much smack in the middle of the 1500g (from the foodgeek calculator) and 2000g from what's suggested in here.
It filled the tin right up and made perfectly square loaves with practically none of that gummy underbaked bits from too much dough and still having the soft and fluffy texture with a tight not too holey crumb
I like to work from the weight of the flour.
The flour weight was 800g of flour with a 30% inoculation of a 100%hyd starter the total hydration of the dough ended up being 71%
First test run
750g flour
950g flour
The 750g flour loaf filled to about 3/4 of the way, but I suspect it was because I baked it straight from the fridge and didn't give it a chance for a final proof, but I suspect that even if I did let it proof, while it probably would've been able to fill the tin the crumb structure would be too holey and open for what I was aiming for.
The 950g flour loaf was much closer to the top and I let it proof at room temp for a little bit and it practically just filled the entire tin that i had a bit of trouble sliding the cover off and it had fairly big pockets of dense and doughy bread, especially at the bottom, from just the mass and the compression of being trapped inside the tin. But the crumb was soft, delicate, and spongy where it wasn't doughy
It worked great for my set up, starter, and method since I usually bulk for about 25-50% rise then cold proof then final proof at room temp until it passed the poke test or almost reached the top of the tin before baking.
i bake in a pretty small breville toaster oven and the tin juuuuust barely fits inside haha, so the little bit of doughy parts in the loaf I think is mostly just from the pure mass of the loaf and tin sucking up all the heat from inside the oven unlike with my artisan loaves which I use a dutch oven that's been preheated
33x12x12 = 4752 cm^3 * 0.2g/cm^3 = 950g so consistent with my findings.
I'd try 850g of flour next time and let it get to about 1cm of the top of the pan before baking.
I seldom use the lid because I like the top to be rounded.
I'm glad that worked out.