I have been baking both sour dough white flour bread and sour dough rye bread for several years with some mixed success. For my rye bread, which is roughly 50-50 rye/wheat flour, I have used the gentle fold-wait method of working the dough before final proofing. I never got much rise or a very exciting crumb from this method, although my starter/leaven is working fine.
Today I prepared two loaves, one 90% white flour and another 50-50 rye/white mixture. After watching a video that illustrated a dough preparation that involved a slap-fold technique, I applied it to both loaves. The results were drastically different. The white flour loaf responded as expected and came together nicely. The 50-50 loaf, however, seemed to actually disintegrate under the slap-fold method. It became stickier and stickier as I worked it, as if it were over-worked.
The white flour loaf seems more forgiving of the kneading/folding process and seems to respond well, and I have used both the slap-fold method and the more gentle periodic fold method on this recipe with good results. The slap-fold and more vigorous working of the rye flour dough does not appear to work at all for me.
So, I need some advice about working the rye bread dough. Is the presence of the high percentage of rye flour a signal to use a modest folding method, and that this dough can easily be over-worked? Is the gentle fold method (fold 4 corners - wait 30 min. - fold again for 2-3 hours) the best for dough with a high rye content?
50/50 rye simply can't develop the strength to the extent even resembling pure wheat dough (unless you add some vital wheat gluten, I guess). There is no need to knead it too much, just folding is good, and considering how sticky it will be, just giving it time is all you really need. So I am not surprised trying to slap and fold the 50% rye dough would just disintegrate. You are not overworking it: it just can't handle such kneading methods.
Here is a recipe for 50/50 rye bread, have a look at the video: in the beginning he just sort of mixes the dough instead of kneading, and then gives it a long bulk ferment. https://breadtopia.com/sourdough-rye-bread/
In this sense I find the area between ~30% rye (when dough is not drastically different from wheat dough) to >60% rye rye a bit weird: the dough actually develops some strength, but not enough to employ the normal wheat techniques. In a way it's simpler with full-on mostly rye dough: no strength to worry about!
Thanks for the reply! After my post, I realized I had posted almost the same issue 6 years ago. Senioritis. Yes, your points are well taken and I like your feeling about the rye-wheat mix being a conundrum. I keep wishing for a crumb in my rye bread that remotely resembles my wheat bread, and I need to give that up. Not gonna happen. Just not enough gluten there.
You substantiated my suspicion about the fear of over-working. It just fell apart, but I just did my one hour fold and it seems to have recovered and come back together a bit after resting. Lesson learned. I will now check out the link you sent. Thanks again. Baking is an adventure.
Two inexpensive Kindle format books on eye breads:
Not on sale, but as a regular offering, $2.99 for the Kindle ebook edition of the Rye and Other Breads chapter of "Inside the Jewish Bakery" by Stanley Ginsberg and Norm Berg.
Be sure to get the errata sheet at:
I use the Kindle "Notes" feature to add the corrections. Highlight the text to be corrected, then click the "note" icon (the one with the pen) and copy/paste in the corrected text from the PDF.
Table of contents (of this ebook, not the whole ITJB):
Rye Bread
Other Bread
US $4.99 for the Kindle ebook edition of Secrets of a Jewish Baker, by George Greenstein.
125 recipes (not all are rye), 338 pages in the print edition. Measurements are in cups.
Rated 4.7 out of 5, with 149 ratings.
I have this, and I think it is well written.
1. Bread, by Jeff Hamelman. 3 editions.
The new 3rd edition will be out in a few weeks. I have the 1st edition in hardcover. It has 18 rye formulas with 15% up to 100% rye, including black bread, and black pumpernickel. Get the errata file , http://mellowbakers.com/ErrataSheetFeb2011.pdf
if you buy the first edition.
2. The Rye Baker, by Stan Ginsberg.
Thanks. I have Hamelman's book, 2nd edition. Don't know if the errata file applies to the 2nd edition, but I will check. Thanks for the additional suggestions for recipes.
Also check out the Mischbrot recipes at www.homebaking.at
It's a German language site, but this shouldn't be a problem with the high standard of modern in browser web page translation.
1/3 rye and 2/3 white all purpose is a nice mix that develops gluten, tolerates slap-fold, has a uniform crumb when slap-folded, and has nice rye aroma, color and flavor.