Are there factors involved in preparation of the sourdough loaves such as degree of fermentation and/or proving which enhance or reduce the formation of blisters and shiny crusts? Other than spraying or brushing with water just before baking? I believe I have read previous posts which discuss this issue but cannot finds those posts again...
I baked a decent loaf last week which I forgot to spritz. Still had blisters; go figure.
And in months gone by I have baked more than a couple of dull, ashy looking loaves.
"Are there factors involved in preparation of the sourdough loaves such as degree of fermentation and/or proving which enhance or reduce the formation of blisters and shiny crusts?"
Yes. I haven't watched the series, except for that last standalone video about brushing on water, but she sure implies there are procedures which set up the conditions for the blisters.
You can also purchase her Kindle-ebooks on Amazon to learn her secrets, if you do not want to pay to join her pay site (which gives you access to the private videos.)
You can also buy the video course at See link on her website, or the link in some descriptions under the you tube videos.
DanAyo bought the udemy course and he says it is worth it.
I can get blisters OK, but shineyness I find to be elusive. And this is with a "proper" steam injection system. I have never found a proper explanation why.
Playlist of 5 videos for blisters. Numbers 2, 3, and 5 are public, numbers 1 & 4 are private/pay.
There is another video of her "how to make blisters" here:
Are there factors involved in preparation of the sourdough loaves such as degree of fermentation and/or proving which enhance or reduce the formation of blisters and shiny crusts? Other than spraying or brushing with water just before baking? I believe I have read previous posts which discuss this issue but cannot finds those posts again...
I baked a decent loaf last week which I forgot to spritz. Still had blisters; go figure.
And in months gone by I have baked more than a couple of dull, ashy looking loaves.
Thanks and best wishes. Dave
"Are there factors involved in preparation of the sourdough loaves such as degree of fermentation and/or proving which enhance or reduce the formation of blisters and shiny crusts?"
Yes. I haven't watched the series, except for that last standalone video about brushing on water, but she sure implies there are procedures which set up the conditions for the blisters.
You can also purchase her Kindle-ebooks on Amazon to learn her secrets, if you do not want to pay to join her pay site (which gives you access to the private videos.)
You can also buy the video course at See link on her website, or the link in some descriptions under the you tube videos.
DanAyo bought the udemy course and he says it is worth it.
I can get blisters OK, but shineyness I find to be elusive. And this is with a "proper" steam injection system. I have never found a proper explanation why.
This is what I would like:
Ironically I had to use reverse logic in my web search. I found this little gem.…
Sic Semper Blisters and a Happy New Year!
Good job.
Here's the direct url: