and the temperature in Perth was 40 degrees and i made bread for Christmas day at our daughter's home. I have been wanting to bake a curry bread, the inspiration was from Shiao Ping (http://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/13018/curry-rustic-bread) and a bit like going back to visit Erics posts, was inspired to have a shot.
A few major differences was that i used Caputo Integrale and an unexpected early Christmas present to myself some Wallaby Bread Flour flour from Lauke which was on special when i was at the supermarket this morning. Another departure was that i didnt have Cashew nuts so used all mixed nuts,
I also figured while i was having the oven on i might also make some baguette / sticks for those that might not like the Curry loaf This 2nd dough also featured Caputo Integrale and Wallaby flours i also used fresh compressed yeast. The curry loaf was plaited and final proofed in a banneton, and could have possibly gone into the oven a bit earlier than it did with that one.
The sticks were retarded after shaping so that the would slow and go in the oven after the Curry loaf came out.
- yozzause's Blog
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Derek gorgeous loaves! The curry bread sounds so interesting I’ll be interested to hear what you think of the flavour. Your baguettes look incredible, I love the seeds on the crust, beautiful ears on them all.
Merry Christmas
Thanks Benny i am looking forward to having some of this bread today Christmas day and seeing what its like, i am going to be more prepared next time and have it just as Shiao Ping did it in her post, she was a great baker and poster of her work with stunning photos as well that we can revisit.
Its just gone 4.30 am here in Perth the temperature is 20 degrees and dawn is fast approaching with singing Honeyeaters starting to chirp up and the promise of a new day dawning. i shall endeavour to get some pictures f the breads when they are cut up. Hope you and TFL folk have a great Christmas day.
Kindest regards Derek
The bread as it was served on Christmas day The curry bread was of great interest and i quite enjoyed it, probably go for the brand of Curry suggested by Shiao Ping next time around rather than Clive of India that was in the cupboard. I guess the real test will be when i try it on some Friends of mine with Indian Heritage but London accents. They do love their Curries and in fact usually have a traditional Christmas dinner and on Boxing day its time for the curry feast.
it made it for toast