just baked my first loaf using my new Emile Henry bread baker and rather happy with the result.
previously used to bake on a baking steel and an enamel cloche to cover the bread but never had as much spring or defined ear before.
i was looking at buying the challenger but didn't like the price compared to the Emile Henry.
That is a good looking loaf. Do you mean this Emile Henry https://www.everythingkitchens.com/emile-henry-ceramic-potato-cooker-burgundy-345500.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cse&utm_term=345500&gclid=Cj0KCQiAlZH_BRCgARIsAAZHSBkcSSWzTTOzMyPHKqdBbDgy9DmVYUysNAUfUTBHtRZ8sPe7jXgSF5caAorUEALw_wcB# If so, did you preheat the baker then place the dough in it ?
Thanks. It was this one https://www.amara.com/us/products/round-bread-baker-black
Yes preheated for 30 mins
Thanks. It was this one https://www.amara.com/us/products/round-bread-baker-black
Yes preheated for 30 mins
Good looking loaf you baked there Andy with a fine ear, I really like using a vessel to bake bread in when possible, it is so much easier than having to steam the oven for me.