Big Oops!!!!


I would really appreciate some advice as I have accidentally feed my sourdough starter with self rising gluten free flour! yikes!!!!! still managed to produce a loaf but it turned out more like a cake then bread! - then the penny dropped as to what went wrong. Is there any hope? can I recover this starter? 

Thank you 


Sure, Eve. Just continue feeding it your regular flour and I suspect things will return to normal right away.

Yes, just keep feeding it, You may have to discard, say, 3/4 of it and then bulk it up again once or twice. Every time you discard some, and feed it you are reducing the proportion of the rogue ingredients. If it doesn't return to normal straight away, it will after a few refreshes.

Yeast loves carbs-even if they are gluten free! Just go back to its regular diet. Once in a while we all like to eat something different!    :)