I've been storing my discard in this mason jar for 3-4 weeks in the fridge, adding a little more discard each day. I've probably fed it fresh flour and water once or twice. Usually there is a layer of hooch on top, but today, excited to make some pancakes, I saw this white stuff floating on top of the hooch and maybe on the sides, too. I don't know that I'd say it looks fuzzy like mold, but they definitely look like round circles of something not normal. Note that I hadn't added any discard (or fed it) in at least a week. Anyone know what this is or has seen this before?
Yes I know I can just toss it, but I had been saving it for awhile and really wanted to make a big batch of pancakes! I don't usually create much discard so I've been waiting awhile.
Help ?
Editing to add pictures with better lighting:
Is that really a black coffee brown color?
Ha, no that's a purple mason jar and bad lighting
i would say it looks like the circles are formed when yeast bubbles drags a little dough to the top as it rises. It doesn't look suspicious to me, yet. You can spoon it off carefully if concerned. The color of the starter looks dark, a shadow? Grain type? Reminds me of Marmite.
Got a few picks more with light coming from the side (full view) and the top? Maybe in a different location.
Haha, it's a purple jar and bad lighting. Here are photos from 7am with natural light. Also, it's just AP flour. Thanks for the insight!
That doesn't look like mold to me. It just looks like bubbles. As you say, mold's usually fuzzy. It's really hard to say for sure from the photos, though.
Mold or not, I would think that discard that is weeks old is likely to be unpalatably acidic. Maybe just build up your starter next time and make enough extra for your pancakes?
Do you think it's an issue even when used for pancakes? I usually feed 5g of starter with 10g each of water and flour, so I don't create much discard and only make pancakes with it every 2 weeks. Granted it's been longer than that... Guess I'll find out!
Let us know!