Tartine Boule - Overfermented or Shaping?

Profile picture for user Mags16

Sourdough has been my lockdown saviour!

I’m striving for the perfect loaf and recently fashioned a homemade proof box so I can regulate temperature. Since commissioning the proof box, my loaves have been over fermented, I think.

Here is my latest loaf, your opinions are welcome. My diagnosis is either over fermentation or shaping issues or both.


900g Bread Flour

100g Fine ground whole wheat

750g Water

20g Salt

200g Levain

July 4th

12 midnight Prepped levain  - 150g bread flour, 150 water, 15g starter, 65F


July 5th

7.15am Levain 20% increase. Failed float test. Increased temp of proof box

7.45am passed float test. 

8am Prepped fermentalyse 

8.45am Added salt and water 74.5F

9.20am First S+F 76F

9.50am Second S+F 78F

10.15am Third S+F

10.50am Fourth S+F Good windowpane test 79.2F

11.15am Fifth S+F

12.30 Dough approx 15 - 20% increase - preshape

1pm Final shape

Cold retard in fridge 


July 6th

8.30am Bake

12.30am Eat for lunch.


Bread is v tasty, no dense ness.





Hey Mags16,

Thanks for sharing your Tartine boule! Looks pretty great. I'm going to guess based on your description that those larger holes are a shaping issue and not over-fermentation. I'm not an expert on over/under fermentation, but based on the look of your crumb (it doesn't look tight or gummy), I would bet that it is not over-fermented. So shaping would be the likely cause of the larger holes in my opinion. Again, I'm not an expert, just my thoughts! Thanks for sharing.

Also, I'll include two links down below. The first is how I typically shape sourdough boules, and the second is my tutorial for the standard Tartine recipe. I think you've already got that part nailed down, but just thought I might share it.



How I shape sourdough boules

My Tartine Bread tutorial



Thanks Grant. I’m lucky in that any sourdough failure I’ve had has been edible.

Re shaping, I’ve used the Tartine method as much as possible, but perhaps the folds haven’t stuck properly, if you know what I mean.

I’ll check out the videos.