Has something changed? In the past I was able to post pictures from Photobucket by copying the Tag code into the body of my post and the pic would show up. Last time I did it was 8 months ago. Tried it today and insted of converting to a photo, it remained a link to the pic. See my blog Kneadless Bread. Any suggestions?
Hi Pedro Pan,
I also have difficulties using photobucket. One pic in 10 makes it to this site...no idea why!!
I am not computer savy, but have uploaded pics to yohoo groups for years without a problem. Perhaps it is a photobucket problem, this is my first experience with itl
Good luck!!
Floyd- could this lack of "raw HTML" be my problem also?
(BTW I have NO IDEA what I have just asked you, I am just parroting your "computer speak"..
Is it the "URL", the "TAG" or the "IMG" that we C&P into the comment area? Sorry to go on about this. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
Your eclairs look really nice! What filling did you use? (It is lunch time and I need to know!) I have used pastry cream, but I prefer to use two parts pastry cream to one part whipped cream. I like a lighter filling.
That sounds really great, Rick2u!
I have tinkered with my pastry cream filling, and I even made a rich chocolate one by adding an ounce of bitter chocolate. For the most part the filling is pretty tolerant of changes.