Problems Posting Pictures


Has something changed?  In the past I was able to post pictures from Photobucket by copying the Tag code into the body of my post and the pic would show up.  Last time I did it was 8 months ago.  Tried it today and insted of converting to a photo, it remained a link to the pic.  See my blog Kneadless Bread.  Any suggestions?

Hi Pedro Pan,

 I also have difficulties using photobucket. One pic in 10 makes it to this idea why!! 

I am not computer savy, but have uploaded pics to yohoo groups for years without a problem. Perhaps it is a photobucket problem, this is my first experience with itl

Good luck!! 

I'm fixing your post, which is why some are fixed. Click the "disable rich-text" link at the bottom of the post area if you want to paste in raw HTML. Otherwise, the HTML gets escaped and doesn't show up right. I'll finish fixing your post in a sec. I just got interrupted finding out my Wii order was cancelled. :(

Floyd- could this lack of "raw HTML" be my problem also?

(BTW I have NO IDEA what I have just asked you, I am just parroting your "computer speak"..

You have a few options: - You can click the "disable rich-text" here and then paste in the full tag. That will include the "a href" as well as the "img src" tag in raw HTML. - You can take just the URL ("http://.... yourimage.jpg") and, instead of disabling rich-text, click the little image icon on the top of the editor (it looks like a tree). If you do that, you'll get a pop up window. Paste in the the URL of the image and then update. It will include the proper tags for you and you'll even be able to preview the image in the editor area. The WYSIWYG editor that I added to the site a few months back seems, in general, to have helped most people include image or format text without needing to know HTML. But for those who do no HTML (or who try to paste it in) it does cause complications. I fixed the tags in your comment above.
Profile picture for user gothicgirl

Your eclairs look really nice!  What filling did you use?  (It is lunch time and I need to know!)  I have used pastry cream, but I prefer to use two parts pastry cream to one part whipped cream.  I like a lighter filling.


Profile picture for user gothicgirl

That sounds really great, Rick2u! 

I have tinkered with my pastry cream filling, and I even made a rich chocolate one by adding an ounce of bitter chocolate.  For the most part the filling is pretty tolerant of changes.