Hello everyone,
I made this loaf using a recipe I adapted from Codruta (codrudepaine.ro) which she adapted from Hamelman's Four Grain Levain.
Don't understand why it rose this way, bellow is the recipes and steps. I baked it in a wood oven, maybe not the best even heat distribution.
Maybe i also under proofed it? The room temperature in the room varied from 20 to 24 degrees celsius.
Thanks in advance, have a great day!
15 gr white sourdough starter
73 gr white flour
92 gr water
160 gr white flour
74 gr whole flour
36 gr water
8 gr salt
10 gr fennel seeds
14 gr flax seeds
25 gr whole spelt grains
125 boiling water
20 gr sunflower seeds
20 gr toasted ground walnuts
Autolyse 30 minutes
Bulk fermentation 2h
Final proof: 3h
In my eye Id say that was from the way you formed your ball, tensioning a dome on the top and squashing it in the the bottom. Try this process in smaller motions.
Just a guess :) Im not an expert by any means.
Thanks for the feedback!
I'm certainly no expert either, but you did not show any pictures of the top of your loaf. Did you score it? It looks like you might have gotten some better oven spring with some more aggressive scoring, which might have helped the air pockets distribute a little more evenly. It might also have to do with shaping, if you didn't evenly shape your loaf. It looks like a tasty bake however!
And, yes, the wood oven might not have kept an even level of heat either.
Hey! True, the scoring might have not been deep enough, also i think i forgot to degas it before the shaping.
It does taste good, the fennel is really overpowering , i think i'll try a walnut loaf next because the toasted walnuts smelled amazing .
Thanks and have a great day,
Many of us here are in awe of wood-fired ovens, and those who bake in them. Pictures, please?
Those are the two ovens I've used. The first one is what most people are used to, i think, i have less experience with, a cast iron pan/dutch oven works best and it can easily burn.
The second is the one i've been using lately. Have to get it nice and hot, leave the bottom door open for 15/20 minutes and then close it for it to not get even hotter. Maybe add another log after 30 minutes. I use Pyrex dutch ovens.
Both ovens belong to my friends, artists who live in the countryside.
So the second oven is great because you can cook on it, bake in it and it keeps you warm.
Have a great day,