Flour type for starters


Hello! I currently have two starters that I have been feeding and they are both doing well and are healthy. I was wondering though with the difficulty of finding flour, if it is worth just having one. Right now I have one I feed rye flour and one I feed bread flour. Although I notice a big difference in the taste of the bakes when I use them for discard starter recipes, I don't notice much of a difference in the taste or rise of the loaves I make with them. Do you think there is benefit in keeping both of them going or should I consolidate into one starter? Maybe do a combo of the two flours in the same starter? Appreciate any thoughts or advice you may have!

With no noticeable difference when used for a loaf - why keep 2? If you really like the recipes for the extra and will be making them regularly, you'll need both. Outside of that - one or the other or a mix of both will do.

keep them separate because that's a one-way process :)

I'd say freeze the one that you use less, and just keep going with the other. Equally if you are not using them a lot it would be a lot more economical in terms of flour if you keep them in the fridge and only feed occasionally