i have recently purchased James Mortonsbook super sourdough and have started making the starter. On day 4 there appears to be white mould on the sides of the container where some of the starter has climbed to after stirring. Is this normal?
Mold of any kind is bad if you aren't planning to grow it (like cheese or koji). Even though different molds are more or less harmful, I would start over.
I guess your jar or some stirring spoon wasn't cleaned properly. Did you cover it with a lid or cloth?
Thanks for the reply. It was covered but some starter was on the side. Maybe the warmer weather here in Australia allowed the mould to start. I take the point of being careful with the cleaning. Cheers
My experience is that the only way to get rid of mold, is to throw out the moldy starter and clean everything really well. When I had a mold develop after I essentially forgot my starter in the fridge, I ran everything in the dishwasher and started over. Make sure your flour is fresh. If your storage area is warm and damp, throw out the flour it may be moldy, buy new and keep the fresh flour tightly covered in the fridge.
Mold of any kind is bad if you aren't planning to grow it (like cheese or koji). Even though different molds are more or less harmful, I would start over.
I guess your jar or some stirring spoon wasn't cleaned properly. Did you cover it with a lid or cloth?
Thanks for the reply. It was covered but some starter was on the side. Maybe the warmer weather here in Australia allowed the mould to start. I take the point of being careful with the cleaning. Cheers
My experience is that the only way to get rid of mold, is to throw out the moldy starter and clean everything really well. When I had a mold develop after I essentially forgot my starter in the fridge, I ran everything in the dishwasher and started over. Make sure your flour is fresh. If your storage area is warm and damp, throw out the flour it may be moldy, buy new and keep the fresh flour tightly covered in the fridge.