Jimmy Johns, Jersey Mike's Subway, or other sandwich shop bread



I've tried several sandwich shop bread recipes over the years and they all stink. Either the recipes are off or I am doing something wrong.

For example I tried following this recipe for my favorite bread (Jimmy Johns) and it was nothing like it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq_6VGSLG30

Is it possible for an average person to make a airy sandwich roll/bread like at Subway, Jimmy Johns or any other large commercial sandwich shop? Everything  make seems to be too dense.


Im not the biggest fan of those types of breads but I think one of the issues with home versions of those commercial breads is that theyre probably using a bunch of preservatives and other chemicals to make the bread soft and stay fresh, that's how they make it light and airy.

I dont know how to re-create that using just commercial ingredients you can get at the supermarket, Im not sure you can without those ingredients.

Profile picture for user MontBaybaker

Perhaps a recipe using Tanzhong if you're seeking something fluffier instead of dense?  Too lazy to go to the store in the rain, last weekend I made the King Arthur Potato Hamburger Buns (potato flakes or flour).  They made up quickly and were good, still soft 3 days later.  Good toasted.  Potato adds tenderness, as does dairy.   Keep us posted on your progress.

I concur with MontBay's recommendation on the tangzhong method if you're simply looking for softness. Also the rec for King Arthur's recipes. Check any of their recipes for rolls, including dinner rolls, hamburger buns, hot dog buns, etc. KAF has a tangzhong roll recipe (see link below). You'll find what you're looking for, at least as a starting point, at KAF. Just last week I did their Amish rolls recipe as hot dog buns. Their New England hot dog buns, whether or not you have the NE bun pan, is denser, so holds up better to fillings. 


It's going to be a long winter here in Seattle so I have plenty of time to keep experimenting. We have Fred Meyer here which has horrible bakery bread but also Safeway which has lots of baked goods that we like. I usually grab stuff from there but would love to be able to make something myself if possible. I will start keeping a log of everything when I bake and take it one day at a time. thx