Dinkel, Poppy and Gran Padano Frallor


Frallor are a small single-serving bread typically eaten as a breakfast sandwich here in Sweden. They have become a part of my bread rotation because they are easy to make as an everyday loaf. After I moved to Sweden, I had bought Martin Johansson's Bröd, Bröd, Bröd book and he has a number of variations on frallor. I'm not the best at following directions and often add my own influences to breads which has been fun to combine with the base frallor recipe since it is easy to adjust in a variety of ways. The photo above was from my most recent batch of frallor. The rough base I follow is:

  • 3g yeast (roughly a 1/2 tsp or 3 kryddsked)
  • 450g flour
  • 350g refrigerated water
  • 10g salt

Mix until incorporated. Let stand for 8-10 hours, Shape by folding the dough into an envelope twice and then cutting into 9 parts. This usually results in more square like frallor than the one pictured above. Let rise for an hour, heat the oven to 250 degrees celsius and bake for 15-20minutes.

I like to use Dinkel / spelt wheat as part of my frallor when I mix in cheese. This variant was:

  • 200g siktat Dinkelmjöl (a blend of Dinkel & white flour; unclear on blend but more Dinkel than wheat)
  • 250g Bread flour (Vetemjöl special here in Sweden)
  • 1/2 tbsp poppy seeds
  • Grated Gran Padrano cheese (included in dough, and sprinkled over top before baking)

I tend to make these before I leave for work, leave them out in our warm apartment, and then bake them in the evening.

When I visited my brother in Borrby I was amazed at the amount of dinkel (spelt flour) in the stores. He's coming to visit with an empty suitcase so is there a particular brand or version of dinkel flour you use that he can bring. I'd love to try making these frallor.

I searched bread recipes online, and found that they often use "dl" for flour qualities. Do they still often use volume instead of weight for measuring flour in Sweden?

Here (from manufacture website) gives the conversion on flour, 1dl = 55g, which gives 1 Cup (250ml) = 137g flour.