Tip - Levain Timing

Profile picture for user DanAyo

I try a lot of different things and the great majority of these ideas fail. But every once in a while an idea works out and some of those are worth throwing out for others to consider. 

This is not an earth shattering revelation, but it might interest others.

I wanted to ferment a levain to the perfect stage. It was scheduled to take place overnight. Since levains cost practically nothing, I mixed up 2 with different ratios of flour to water. The first was 1:1:1 and the second, 1:3:3. The next morning I was able to choose the levain that I liked best. If the 1:1:1 over fermented the other starter was still available.

By the way, unused levain is used to make THESE CRACKERS. They are addicting - Thank You, Benito!


Good idea Danny.  I’ve found my starter, if I feed it 1:2:2 with whole red fife, will peak around 8 hours on the second feeding out of the fridge.  I’m about to give it a feed in the next hour before going to bed and then start the levain in the morning.