Tip - a super nice tool, the spatula

Profile picture for user DanAyo

Danni (the other one) got me started mixing my dough with a spatula. I don’t like sticky dough on my hands. I took a chance the other day and tried a new one, because the shape looked efficient. After initial testing, it is wonderful. The shape couldn’t be any better for mixing doughs to incorporate the flour. It is stiff enough and at the same time limber enough to mix the ingredients with incredible ease. Can’t be beat for scraping the sides of the bowl. I got it from AMAZON.


I have a spatula addiction. haha!! But mixing when the dough is still really sticky is much nicer with a nice sturdy yet flexible silicone spatula.

To piggy-back your thread, one of my favorite recent acquisitions is my Campbells dough knife/bench scraper. I have a pile of plastic bench scrapers, but this one is absolutely the bees knees when it comes to working with sticky dough right on the bench.

Austin, I got the set from Breadtopia. It came as a set of three. I’ve had them for years and like them. Unfortunately I don’t see them listed on the site. You could give them a call to inquire. They are great people. 


This^^^ and a wide shallow wooden bowl. I, too dislike the sticky...🧐.