

2 weeks ago I made my first sourdough loaf and it came up wonky. Today I baked two loaves same issue.

ive made many yeasted breads and never had an issue. Am I right in thinking this is seam placement and is this more critical with sourdough. Any help or thoughts welcome

thank you

This kind of phenomena occurred me also when I started baking with sourdough. A cross cut picture would be very helpful here and also a description of the procedure with timings.

Happy baking, Joze

Many thanks for answering


800 white bread flour

100 wholemeal flour

200 starter 100%

600 water

12 grams salt

i mixed ingredients then left for 30 minutes

12 stretch n folds

rest 2 hours

6 stretch n folds

rest 2 hours

6 stretch nfolds

rest 60 mins


rest 60 minutes final shape and place in banettons and refrigerated overnight 12 hours

removed from fridge left on counter 2 hours 

baked. 230 c 15 mins then 190 c 25 mins 

other thing I always get is very large holes at the top of the loaf


it tastes wonderful but it be nice if I could cure the wonkyness and maybe the really large hikes at the top so that it looks nice as well