After much studying, watching Youtube videos, and so on, I've tried my first batch of croissants. And of course, since I already have the sourdough, I can make them sourdough croissants. And since they're sourdough croissants, I have an excuse to make them extra dark and crispy:
The crumb turned out much better than I thought it would. Its amazing how easy this method is, if you just have the patience for it :
Well, I'll be updating as I try to perfect the form and flavor of the sourdough croissant. I'm thinking of infusing the milk, or adding spices to the dry ingredients. And maybe increasing the sourness of the starter somehow. Any suggestions?
Croissants looking better the second round of shaping:
Crumb is more open too, even though I think I'm still pretty crap at shaping:
I made many mistakes in the first go round that I won't make in the second. Mainly not shaping right, and not waiting until the butter square was completely pliable before rolling out the dough.
If you have any advice for me, or need any from me, please don't hesitate!
Until next time...
No Advice but they do look great. Someday I want to try baking croissants, maybe in the winter when my kitchen is cooler.
Its a lot of fun, and really puts your dough handling skills to the test.
temperature just a tiny bit and bake a tiny bit longer. Careful not to over brown. Looking for a more even light browning. :)
I'm modeling these after TX Farmer's Sourdough croissants. I like the look of her croissants both crumb wise and color wise. Hers are darker than mine, but better looking somehow. I bought some malt, but maybe a lower temperature will produce more even browning.
Like that.