Thank you, TFL experts

Profile picture for user Dave Cee

After much reading of the archives and more practice with technique, I am closing in on my goal of baking consistent, good sourdough bread.

Not there yet...

I baked this loaf today. Like others before me I am wondering what an improved crumb structure would look like. Despite this loaf's many shortcomings the flavor is acceptable to me and it is very edible.

Is this 'fool's crumb'?

Thanks. Dave

No, you have not struck "fool's crumb", this is good bread. You are in "perhaps a minor adjustment here and there, but don't make any big changes" territory. Maybe slightly improved shaping technique or a more experienced eye on the fermenting dough would even out those large bubbles a bit. But look away from those bubbles for a moment - see how the bread is good right down to the bottom crust? That proves that the large bubbles are a minor adjustment, not a major problem.

Your comments made me rethink the process and I believe I know what I flubbed.

I did three bench folds/bakers folds (15 minutes apart) before putting the dough in the bread form for final proofing. On the last fold I don't think I deflated the dough enough and did not get a tight enough 'parcel'. At least that's what I'm going to refine on my next loaf.

This was a 78% hydration loaf and 'wet' dough-handling has always been my recurring failing. I am trying to become more confident and adept at this aspect of the process.


Thanks and best wishes. Dave

Well, when you improve your shaping skill there's a good chance for improvement and little chance for any loss. Most people don't get worse at it when they practice. ?

Just out of the oven this morning. The loaf was pleasingly tall. Sorry about the uneven/light color; SWMBO doesn't like the dark crust. I feel that I am on the cusp of a breakthrough and I'll know more when I slice it. Thanks for all the helpful advice, including the archives which I am about half way through. Best wishes. Dave

Nice looking bread, with some blisters too!


...if not visually spectacular. Good, strong sour flavor from >40 hours bulk retardation. I'm going to keep working on getting a more consistent and open crumb structure. Thanks and best wishes. Dave