I found this chart online: https://www.sourdoughhome.com/index.php?content=flourtestresults but I'd like to find a list/chart that has more of the Canadian-available flours on it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you!
I found this chart online: https://www.sourdoughhome.com/index.php?content=flourtestresults but I'd like to find a list/chart that has more of the Canadian-available flours on it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you!
I haven't seen a chart, but here's some very basic information to get you started:
Canadian all-purpose flour is usually higher protein than its US counterpart. This means it is a bit more likely to work, in those situations where a US baker would definitely have to choose bread flour.
In Canada, the "big" brands (the ones that sell huge amounts of flour) come from a very limited number of big mills. (Smaller less-known brands may sometimes have their own smaller mill.) My meaning is that there's a fair chance that several different brands might actually be the exact same flour, packed in a different bag.
Thank you, David. I'm looking to replace the Robin Hood white (AP and Bread) with something better/organic but I'm not sure what brand to go with. I have access to Bob's Mill (I use their ww and rye), also Oak Manor. We do have a mill close by. I've used their rye for starters twice but both times had to chuck it because it developed mold within a couple days. Haven't had that problem with the other mentioned brands. I think I'll pick up some BM or OM and see if that makes a difference with my white starter.
Are you unhappy with your results with Robin Hood? Or just looking for organic?
To be honest, organic may give less-consistent results, and may not be as easy to use. I still think organic is the right thing to do, but you need to be aware that "better for the planet" generally equals "less convenient".
I'm having trouble with my white starter. And I'm wondering if it's the flour. There's bubbling but when fed, it doesn't double as I've seen others do. I was using the RH unbleached AP but have recently started using the RH bread flour to see if there's a difference. I fed it this morning: 1 T starter with 3 T water and 4 T bread flour. After 5 hrs, it hadn't budged a bit. And that was in the oven with the light on. However, this afternoon, I stirred in another T of bread flour, and then put it in the microwave where I had heated a measuring cup of water to steaming. In that environment, it tripled in 3 hours! I do understand how a thicker starter will expand more than a thin starter but I'm beginning to think that maybe it's the flour that's causing her to stall under normal circumstances. And if the starter isn't reacting well to the flour, then how would that affect my loaf....
I have a rye starter as well (1 T rye to 3 T RH bread flour) and it triples in 4 hours or so at room temperature.
Organic isn't necessarily a must. I just thought maybe there was something to it that might give better results.