I would like to introduce the newest member of our family. After callously throwing away Slow-Moe because I was sure I would never bake another loaf of bread (depression sucks.) Then mistakenly burning Sloe-Moe 2.0 alive, I give you Slow-Moe, "son of Jack" I was gifted a piece of "Jack" by a generous baking buddy. (Thank you Karen)
I already doubled Slow-Moe to 128g. After I double it again tonight at 9PM I will begin building the bread dough, in the morning. This photo was taken at 9:30AM, four hrs. after I doubled it from 64g to 128g.
Slow-Moe is dead - long live Slow-Moe! ☺️
I thought I knew depression, having experienced minor depression from time to time. But after seeing what another family member of mine sometimes goes through, I salute you for "keeping on". Thank you for not being silent.
A year and a half ago I also thought I wasn't going to make sourdough again, so I tossed my starter in the fridge. Never gave it another thought till I was teaching my landlords 10 yr old daughter how to make bread about a month ago. They loved the bread and my landlord said - I'm gonna have to try sourdough - and that got me to thinking about making sourdough again. Took the starter out of the fridge, scraped about an inch of grey of the top and started feeding it and keeping it warm. Within 2 weeks I gave them a loaf to try, and they loved it. And now I'm making sourdough again.
Moral of the story - there is no moral! But if ya think you won't do sourdough again, toss that baby in the fridge, it's really had to kill these things.
That is a great story, Phaz!
Did you ever develop your spreadsheet?
Oh yeah, the spread. That was a while ago. I have a copy of it somewhere but haven't looked at it in a long time. If I remember, what I wanted to do I couldn't on my phone, and I'm to lazy to fire up my computer (if I can't do it in my phone I don't do it!). That and golf came along again and golf takes priority over everything. One of these days I'll get back to it - famous last words!
Leslie and I completed the project and have been using ours for quite a while. The bugs have been worked out. If you want a copy, let me know...
My brother is obssesed with golf. We are an obsessive type, mine is bread :D
Sure, throw up a copy or a link and I'll check it out later. I'm on my way to dig out 2 fairways and rebuild 2 bridges that were taken out from over 2 inches of rain we got the other day. Thanx Dan! By the way, that's also my name!
So far I stuck close to my printed work flow. I double the starter to 258 grams at 7:30PM instead of 9:00PM Moe looked ready. I checked in on Moe at 1:30AM I found he was busting out of the 2 cup container. I was compelled to start building. From there the timing is on point. I am wondering why the final dough is so wet? at 67% hydration I though it would be easer to handle. in any case I am going to have to do stretch and folds on the hour. I am thinking the bulk may take more than my prescribed 2hrs. Any thoughts on my method or work flow are welcome. The first photo is after the second build and still at 100% hydration. The next photo is the final dough after 15min. and 1 stretch and fold.
RoadSide, did you calculate the 129 water and 129g flour in the hydration? 67% should be easy to handle.
BTW - your starter looks great!
Thank you for your reply Dan.
I followed these amounts to the tee. Am I missing something?
I have a difficult time understanding the formula, the way it is presented. But if the total water is 402g and the total flour is 600g, 67% is correct. Possibly the sugar, butter, and milk are affecting the dough.
Yes, the total water is 402G. Any-who the dough is building up some strength already. I think/hope I will get a similar result as in my formula photograph. Smile. Now that I have a starter I will revisit, Maurizio's baguettes.
My first bake with Slow-Moe, "Son of Jack" (Sourdough Jack I Have learned) Looks like a success! I do need practice shaping. Smile........
Very nice bread. Looks like Slo-Mo got the job done...