

Can someone get me close to that % hydration I would have given some of these details.


I starter with a starter that was 100% but over time my feeding have come to this:


1/2 up starter

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup AP flour

1/2 cup whole wheat......


is this still 100%. it is a stiff starter now compared to what I starter with. and does it really matter in the end>?




Knowing ingredients in weight is the only sure way to know.

  • 1 cup flour = "about" 120g - 125g
  • 1 cup water = 236g


  • 1/2 cup starter ?
  • 1/2 cup water = 118g
  • 1 cup flour = 120g - 125g

So I'd say if this is your regular feed then its near enough 100% hydration. Or 94 - 98%

If it matters depends on many factors Abe is on the right track, but because volumetric measures of flour can be so different, it is really hard to know.

Dave, I am no expert, but it does not matter if your hydration is 95% or 100% . If it is a big difference, say 75% v. 100%, yes it can matter.  I find that the wetter the starter, the quicker it develops,  so if you made a 75% starter and a 100% starter, and let each one sit out the same amount of time, the 100% starter may have already peaked and started to recede while the 75% starter may still be rising.  I also understand that hydration level can impact the sourness of the starter - and while I have read contradictory info, my understanding is that all other things being equal, a more liquid starter will be more sour than a drier starter.   Finally,  I agree with everyone else, get a scale, preferably electronic, they can be found for under $20 at a number of places.  As an aside, one thing I can't understand is when recipes say to use 1 cup of starter -  as we know, the volume of a starter is always changing, increasing at first and decreasing later, and the mere attempt to measure it will lose some volume.  So how 1 cup of starter would have any set meaning is a mystery to me.  On the other hand,  100 grams of starter will always be 100 grams, whether if fills 1/2 cup,  1 cup or 1 1/2 cup depending on how much it has increased in volume since its last feeding. 

I do have a scale and weigh everything I do but I saw a video from someone on feeding your starter and he made it sound like there was no big issue if you just scoop flour, water and starter with a measuring cup. Up until I saw that video I weighted all my feeding ingredients.


I enjoy baking SD bread but I find I am now enjoying trying to understand the science behind it.


So thank you for the time it took for you to give me your take on this issue

