For a while, my starters (white and rye) were very active, rising dough quickly and making light, open crumb. Now I'm getting very sluggish rises and dense, chewy crumb (most notably the white starter) from the same recipes. I do get a huge oven spring out of them, so *something* is alive in there!
I feed or use the starter once a week. When feeding, I keep about 4oz and add 2-3oz of flour and 3-4oz of water to make a poolish-like mother starter. When making plain sourdough, I make a firm starter from the mother starter, like French bread dough.
I've tried overnight proofs in the fridge, and using a pan of hot water in the oven to simulate a proofing tent.
Any suggestions on making my starter more zippy are welcome :)
I'm using the feeding method described in both Bread Alone and the Bread Baker's Apprentice. Both recommend keeping a wetter "mother" starter, then making a stiff starter from it when you're ready to bake.
Bread Alone says a feeding is 9oz starter + 4oz flour + 5oz water.
TBBA says to double the weight of the starter, e.g. 8oz starter + 4oz flour + 4oz water.
I've been trying to make sure I use less starter and more flour+water, since like Sourdolady I thought I was underfeeding. I guess I'm still underfeeding.
I do keep it in the fridge between feedings.
Thanks for the suggestions! I'll be sure to try them out and let you know how thigns go.
I usually more than triple the amount of flour I add when I feed my "mother starter." FWIW, I keep about 40 grams of starter at 50% hydration in the fridge. When I bake, I start with 1-5 grams of starter and then build it up over 3 refreshments 12 hours apart to the size I need, without discarding anything.
Once a week, I discard all but about 10 grams of mother starter, and then add 20 grams flour and 10 grams water. Seems to be working so far.
I set about trying to revive my starters this weekend. For both starters, I went with the following refreshment, using a higher percentage of new flour to starter this time:
2oz starter + 3oz flour + 2-3oz water
After 8 hours on the counter, the rye starter had more than doubled. It went right into the fridge. The white starter had some bubbles, but no real rise. I popped it in the fridge for the evening and took it out in the morning, where I disposed of all but 2oz and refreshed again, this time going with 1oz of white whole wheat and 2oz of strong flour.
The next morning it had doubled in size! Wowooo! Still a bit sluggish, so I fed it again this morning. We'll see what it looks like when I get home.
Thanks for the advice,
Now my starter's acting all funky. Great sour taste, with very little rise. I suspect that it's a case of keeping it in the fridge too long. In other words, getting lazy by feeding my stiff starter, leaving it out for just an hour or so and then popping it back in the fridge. The yeast has no time to multiply.
I'm going to refresh it twice a day at 100 - 125% hydration for the next 3 days. We'll see if that helps.