Blow out during oven rise


Hello, Lately, I have been getting these blowouts in some of my loaves and I am not sure what might be the reason for this. I am breaking my head over this and not sure how to solve the problem. Can someone please help. Thanks in advance. I have attached an image for your reference. 

Agree - under proofed. What about your shaping? Which method are you using to shape?

Is it possible that too much flour is used during the shaping process? Flour can cause the dough to layer and not form a cohesive lump.


36 hr in frig... Doesn’t sound under proofed. But, may be... Is it possible that you mixed your dough and the cooled (refrigerated) it down before the yeast was able to produce gas and multiply? Then when it proofed for 2.5 hours the yeast was mostly dormant. But once the dough hit the heat of the oven an extremely active rise occured, causing the dough to blow out?

I’m thinking out loud and don’t know for sure. But over proofed dough doesn’t blow out, it caves in. At least in my experience.

I hope we can help get this solved for you.


Hi Dan! Very sorry for the delayed response. I think you might be correct so what I am going to do this week is to leave the 36 hr fermentation dough for 3.5 hrs after shaping to see if there is any difference in the ovenspring. On another note, I also make some loaves that are 14 hr fermented with the same dough proved for 2.5 to 3 hrs and I don't have any blowing out issue with those loaves. Thank you again for your help! will keep you posted on how things go