Has anyone used Yogurt Whey in their breads?

Profile picture for user DanAyo

I kept reading Danni’s post about how she used yogurt in her breads. So, me being me, I decided to start making my own yogurt. WOW! Is it good... But now I have a lot of whey and I’m wondering if it would be a good substitute for water in the breads.

Anyone with experience with this? Anyother uses for whey?


Hey Danni, I’m also in the process of fermenting my first Kefir. I really like the flavors of foods derived from fermentation.

I never found there to be any difference in fermentation times etc . The dough develops so nicely and the crumb will be tender. It is a pleasure to work with. I have also used my kefir cheese whey...taking thickened kefir and draining it to make cheese. Be aware that if you are doing sour dough and yeast water and yogurt in your kitchen you will likely end up with Viili instead. I will attach a link. Mine was not slimy at all...instead it went from being kefir grains to a lovely curd of thick firm pieces that I then drained off and used in place of feta etc. Anyway I know it was a " different " strain from pure kefir. It was great !  Sorry I lost it. I think in the home it is pretty much impossible to keep from having some cross contamination. https://www.google.com/search?q=viili+yogurt&oq=viili&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.6000j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


good luck and post your results ! c

or milk kefir? I have water kefir in the go. I did end up with something weird at one point and threw the whole thing out and got more grains from a friend. The odd thing is that her grains multiply like crazy and mine don’t at all even though they make great water kefir. 

I try to keep my fermentation experiments at least 10 feet apart if not in separate rooms to prevent cross contamination. 

Now that I think of it, I guess I have 4 cultures going. Sourdough in one fridge, YW in a different fridge, kombucha in my office and water kefir in the kitchen. The kombucha is taking a break as I am not actively using it. ? 

the times I didn't is when I ran out of it. You can safely sub it for up to 50% of the water according to my experience. And even all when the leaven percentage is low or a high percentage of rye is used. It's great in pancakes too.

Dan, glad you finally started to make yogurt! There's no turning back.

Bottleny, thanks for reading my posts and paying attention to the details :)

Profile picture for user dabrownman

Just type whey into the search box and you will get at least 1,000 hits

I make my own yoghurt too and often sub in whey instead of water or a percentage of water....if I’ve made too much I freeze it for whenever...