I have since found a bunch of older posts by using Google. So they are not lost ! So glad. I am sure the culling won't be removing the best of the best :) c
I had no idea and even if I had there is no way to copy out or print or save all the formulas that I refer back to. I used to bookmark but then I just found it easier to look up via search using Google since the TFL search most times doesn't provide as good a listing.
Well this is disappointing. So much talent from the past now lost .
I have since found a bunch of older posts by using Google. So they are not lost ! So glad. I am sure the culling won't be removing the best of the best :) c
from those that don't post anymore At least that is what I think he said at any rate.
I had no idea and even if I had there is no way to copy out or print or save all the formulas that I refer back to. I used to bookmark but then I just found it easier to look up via search using Google since the TFL search most times doesn't provide as good a listing.
Well this is disappointing. So much talent from the past now lost .
Sometimes you can find older webpages in the Wayback Machine. Don't know if it works for TFL posts, but worth a try.