where are all the older posts ?????

Profile picture for user trailrunner

Just tried to find posts by Tx Farmer for one of her breads and nothing comes up. Thank goodness I posted it on my blog and have it written out. 

Have old posts been removed from TFL ? If so why ???? 

I have since found a bunch of older posts by using Google. So they are not lost  !  So glad. I am sure the culling won't be removing the best of the best :) c

Profile picture for user trailrunner

I had no idea and even if I had there is no way to copy out or print or save all the formulas that I refer back to. I used to bookmark but then I just found it easier to look up via search using Google since the TFL search most times doesn't provide as good a listing. 

Well this is disappointing. So much talent from the past now lost .