Tip - Refrigerated SD makes great daily rolls

Profile picture for user DanAyo

Make a SD as you usually would. After the BF put the dough in the frig. When you want rolls in the morning remove some dough right before bed and roll into rounds the size of golf balls. Put them in an oiled pan and cover with plastic wrap and leave out in a cool place. In the morning put the rolls in the cold oven and bake.

NOTE; this suggestion is best for convenience when baking overnight rolls using old refrigerated dough. 

Mini SD rolls and coffee, a great way to begin a day...


Because this dough was bulk proofed at room temp for 5 hours and then refrigerated for a few days, the flavor is great. If you like sour sourdough.

The bread didn’t brown. I think it is because I put them in a cold oven, but @ 3:30AM who wants to preheat an oven :-)

The crumb is fantastic! 

Why a cold oven? I've never started a bake in cold oven before, what effect does this have? 

Thanks for the tip Dan! 


I bake in a cold oven because it is easier. My wife Patsy and I are often up very early in the morning.  A preheated oven should bake them a little better.

They really taste great... and they are so easy.


cinnamon rolls would be just as easy with this dough if you make them before bed and leave them out to proof overnight and bake in the morning which is the normal routine for cinnamon rolls.  But breakfast English Muffins could be made the same way with milk and sugar added as could biscuits if you switched out the water for milk added sugar and cut in butter or lard the night before rising but I would need to try out the biscuits to see if they would rise after having the gluten chopped up to get the butter in there.

I'm thinking the base dough should have milk, sugar and butter in it since most of my rolls, muffin and biscuits have them in there anyway - except for hard dinner rolls and pizza.

Having a base dough in the fridge for all kinds of rolls, pizza, etc makes using SD every day a real possibility if you get cracking the night before.  but maybe we need two base doughs in the fridge though?

Your rolls are perfection even though we didn't see the outside:-)

Happy baking Dan

I’ll have to take a photo of the next batch. I also noticed that I sliced the roll like I was slice a Boule :(  I should have sliced horizontal instead.

Will correct with next batch.

Leave it to you Dab, to come up with an semi-elaborate formula ;-)  Lately I’ve come to the conclusion that for me, sour SD doesn’t pair well with some ingredients. I have a SD Baguette going right now, but all tries prior to this one have not produced the best flavor for me. I like the yeasted better. But I’m giving it another try using TX Farmers 36 hr SD baguette.

...AND I am a SD freak! 


UPDATE - added image of crust for my good buddy...