but with a big thanks to Shiao Ping for her awesome spin on Chad Robertson's Chocolate Sourdough and to Abe (Lechem) for noodling through my starter calculations.
This smelled fabulous during mixing and baking, can't wait to slice into one of these tomorrow.
These are nowhere as beautiful as half the loaves on here or in Shiao Ping's original post, but I'm pretty happy with them and am thinking of doing this again, swapping out some or all of the choco chips for raisins, candied orange peel and/or walnuts.
SP was one of the great Fresh Lofian bakers of all time for sure. These could match her's pretty closely! Very nice indeed and happy baking
it's kind of you to say so, but her loaves were… perfect. Every time. Perhaps if I keep working at it…
Those loaves look terrific.. would love to see a crumb shot.. I've been lucky enough to have tried a sourdough chocolate cherry loaf years ago made by a friend... it was amazing. I'm sure your kitchen smelled delicious! Your loaves look really good. And thank you for pointing to Shaio's recipe. I hadn't seen it but have now book marked it. Well done!
Thanks for the kind words. Crumb shot tomorrow, I'm trying to be good!
But your cherries got me off on a color trip. Were they dried or amarena cherries in syrup? What else could work to make richly colored jewels on a dark velvet background? Pomegranate seeds?
If you're into chocolate, I'd also bookmarked this one, which uses a chocolate starter and a chocolate levain(!) Haven't tried it yet.
It was maybe a decade ago.. it was a memorable bread.. but I don't remember what type of cherries they were.. I honestly think he may have just bought some fresh bing cherries and thrown them in to the dough.. either way, it was pretty delicious! Other additions - not much goes better with chocolate than bananas! It may not give you the visual you're looking for, but a few walnuts and a few bananas and I think your'e half way there to a nutritious meal! :)
As to Beatrice's link you posted - yet another bookmark! That too is a great looking bread!
but maybe not in the dough -- sliced banana on warm, toasted choco bread, with or without a smear of peanut butter (Reese's move over!). And yes, that would indeed be a meal. Yum.
Actually, I regretted not having taken a couple of slices to the office with me this morning. I will do that tomorrow, though, count on it!
The Challenge was offered with 'no stinking rules' - it is in honor of the Solstice, but not defined by it. Your loaves look wonderful, no doubt they smell as wonderful, and are entirely welcomed as an entry. We'll all look forward to crumb shots and testament as to how much you like how they taste.
Mmm, chocolate and orange...and/or walnuts, dates, or cherries... thanks for the inspiration!
Thanks for letting this be a contender! Crumb shot tomorrow, come breakfast (how decadent is that?) I have no idea what to expect, taste- and texture-wise, since I can't seem to get away from the idea of a drier version of chocolate cake, but I don't think it's that at all.
Thanks for the kind words and stay tuned!
look forward to the crumb shot!,
My solstice bake is just out of the oven, also late, lol, will post later
well done Carole
ps - cherries and cranberries with pecan is an awesome combo, one of my favourites
Not nearly as open as some of us might like, but crust was thin and crisp, crumb was melt-in-the-mouth tender while still retaining some bite (it ain't cake) and fabulously chocolate. It does remind me of French kids' after-school snack (pre-industrial pain au chocolat): a slice of good bread, a smear of salted butter and a square of dark chocolate.
Looks slightly denser along the bottom, perhaps? Could be underproofed, but the poke test was a bit strange: I had one "dent" fill back up pretty quickly, but the two others stayed dented, so I loaded and baked. Might let the retard to for another hour or so next time.
This needed neither butter nor orange marmelade, but they didn't hurt, either :-D
This one's a keeper, with tons of variations in mind!
Thanks for the encouragement.
Shiao Ping's work is moving in the right direction. By the time that I came to TFL, Shiao was already starting to step away. But she and txfarmer set the bar for oven greatness on this site. Congratulations on starting to step into some mighty big shoes.
as the crumb shot will attest. But I really appreciate the encouragement. Makes me want to do better!