I have a new starter, super vigorous, feed it carefully etc. When I come home from work, it's almost the first thing I check - is it risen, how does it look etc. My 9 year old son tells me that I care about the starter more than I care about him:) This morning, he's making comments about the starter exactly like the comments he makes about his little sister: sibling rivalry with an SD starter.
If you make him bread from the starter then he'll realise it's him you actually care about.
smarter than she is and never upchucks on my bare toes out of spite or for fun either:-) Time to get that boy his own starter to take care of and make bread with.
Happy stater training
The shared experience will provide new knowledge and skills for your son, and deepen bonds between you. And when you feel she's old enough, your daughter can join in. Your son may even take over the lessons.
Enjoy your baking!