Guidance needed for no-knead Five-Grain Levain

Profile picture for user DanAyo

I'd like to bake Hamelman's Five-Grain Levain by hand with no mixer. My concern is with the large percentage of seeds and cracked grains. Normally I develop the dough thoroughly in the mixer. I'm hoping to autolyse then add the levain and salt. And finally fold in the soaker. NOTE: I reduced the water in the soaker (from his original formula) so that there is enough water to hydrate the flour during the initial mix. 

I hope someone has an ingenious way to accomplish this. I am open to any and all suggestions.



I bet Mini-O has an out-of-the-box thought for this :D

and my last bake was really good, but then I add the soaker in right from the start.  if you don’t add it in early, I think you have issues with hydration.  I am running on memory here, just back from our travels so not really into baking bread yet - my head is still full of wonderful holiday scenery!


Edit/ps - on my ipad I cant find the link to post but it was my last post.