I am trying to make a sourdough starter for the first time and so far around 36 hours I see these green spots. I have used different types of water, sterilized everything by boiling (utensils, jar, etc...). If this normal? I tossed the starter out because I was afraid of mold. Could the flour be the problem?
In the 36 hours before the mould appeared? Which method are you following? If it keeps on happening and you've tried everything you can think of other than change the flour then I think it'd be the next step.
The next time you try a starter then use pure pineapple juice for the first feed. It's acidic and will keep the bad bacteria at bay. After which switch to water which has been boiled and cooled.
Thank you for the tip on the pineapple juice. I just mixed about 5oz of a 50/50 mix of whole wheat and AP flour and water (forget the exact amount). I hadn't even fed for the first time before the mold started!
With new flour as well. Keep it covered so it can't be contaminated. Mix flour + same weight in pineapple juice and form paste. Cover and wait till it bubbles up. After which take off half and top back up but this time using water which has been boiled and cooled.
Keep your starter at around 75-78°F and every 24 hours, after the initial bubbling up, take off half and re-feed.
1st day: 50g pineapple juice + 50g flour
Wait for it to bubble up
2nd FEED! take off 50g and re-feed 25g water + 25g flour
Then every 24 hours repeat. If all goes quiet then you can skip a feed or two till you see some activity then restart the feeds.
Once the mixture begins to mature and you see activity within 12 hours after feed then you can go onto a 12 hour feeding schedule and give it larger feeds too.
But it'll need time, patience and warmth!
I am going to start tonight! Thank you so much!