this is my first attempt with my new starter. I mixed a sponge last evening at 7.30pm, left it over night in a cool room. This morning I added the rest of the flour and salt, kneaded and proved with folds at 1 1/2 and 3 hours in a bowl, fold and shape and place in banneton and final prove for 5 hours. It seemed very slow to rise.
my first attempt at cutting the dough was obviously not deep enough. There was a bit of ovenspring but not as much as I expected. I baked for 30 minutes, knocked the bottom and decided to bake for a further 10 minutes.
i need some constructive comments please. It is not particularly pretty and maybe slightly underproved but it tastes great anyway. I can only get better.

the top has a nice browning, the bottom could use more heat and might give the spring you wanted to see. Try lowering the shelf a notch or switch to a darker baking surface for the next bake. That may also slow the crust from setting too early. :)
if I understand correctly the bulking rise took 3 hours and the final proof took 5 hours. Try shifting some of the proofing time into the bulking time. That would mean perhaps adding another folding or two for a tighter surface so that it still has some tension when ready to bake.
The loaf looks good, it's only a matter of tweaking a little bit here and there.
I have a baking stone on order and just waiting for it to arrive. Hopefully that will help.
Lovely first sourdough. After all that hard work eating your first sourdough bread is very satisfying. Bon Appetit.
Thank you so much Lechem. You have been a great help. I’ve decided to make normal yeasted bread on a Monday and sourdough at the weekend but increase the quantity for a larger loaf.
Very nice looking first loaf :)