There has been quite a bit of discussion lately about feeding starter (seed culture).
The next progression for me is; how do we ascertain the ideal time period for a Levain to reach perfect maturity? Up until this point I simply followed the instructions for the formula. “Set aside over night or maybe, ferment for 10hrs.” This is a ball park time because the writer of the formula can’t possibly now the strengths or characteristics of each of our staters. But, as you know, “inquiring minds want to know”.
I am assuming that it would be best approached exactly like we would handle our starters. MIx the proper amount of starter + the required amount of liquids + the required flour(s) and put it in a clear straight sided container. Set a constant temperature ( I have a proofer) and then watch until it rises and just started to recede. Note the time and now you know exactly the time to maturity given the same constants. The main way I see the pre-ferment varying from the starter is that we try to regulate the feed to recede cycle of the starter (in the case of a room temp starter) to fit an ongoing maintenance schedule. But for the pre-ferment our concern is only the elapsed time of the event so we can calculate when we need to mix into the dough.
Am I missing something?
I have actually made the updates to the survey for the next time we decide to do this (whenever that is) because I don't want to forget the lessons learned.
Abe inspired me to add an additional question, which is about what indicators people use to determine their starter has reached the proper refreshment point.
As of right now, it reads:
Which of the following is your PRIMARY consideration for determining when to refresh/feed your starter:
- peak height (whether before, during or after)
- aroma/flavor
- volume growth
- convenience
- other (short-answer)
If folks want to contribute to this thread, that could help us outline other options. But those are the ones that come to mind.
... only when it is nearly used up. For noting is that it is NMNF-styled, so my SD baking necessitates building a vibrant levain that entails multiple feedings.
So what do you do to ensure it's vibrant when you feed it before storing it in the fridge? If you follow the original NFNM protocol, then you use some sort of volume indicator, right? Like making sure it doubles in 4 hours when held in the low 80s. I suppose there is no "peaking" in that case. So, it seems the volume option would fit, right?
... to the fridge once it has doubled; before then I would have kept it at room temperature (20-25C). Once refrigerated it continues to grow a bit. I follow this routine on the assumption it requires something to snack on whilst hibernating.
im more relaxed - i feed my starters once a week from fridge. Take them out on wednesday morning. leave to come to room temperature. Then i take a little out (10g or so) for a build (which i then use on friday in the bakery) and feed both the mother and the 10g ive kept aside. I leave the mother out a while longer so the yeasties can start feeding - an hour or two and then back in the fridge. The starter i keep out and do a 1:3:3 build over 3 days to get me to friday lunchtime when i make a levain for friday night. theyre pretty much in a routine - and only take 6 - 8 hours to get to a point when theyre ready to start working on the dough