I brought a rye starter back from europe with me at the beginning of August. its been refreshed occassionally and used to bake with occassionally. About 6 weeks ago, I think although it might be longer, I went to refresh it. It smelt very yeasty and had a crust on top. I dug some out from underneath and rebuilt the rye starter. It is doing well, smells as I would expect etc. The rest of that starter was going to be flushed down the sink (only a small amount) so I filled the jar with warm water and left it while i did other things. I thought about it, decided I should hang on to it. So I went back and kept the rather soupy brew, drained off most of the liquid and put it in the fridge. This week I had another peek, and yep, now it smells very yeasty and the crusty surface is developing a greyish fuzz as you can see in the photo if you look carefully.
I am curious, not planning on baking with it, but why would it be so yeasty when the refreshed starter doesn't smell anything like it. My white flour starter has never smelt like this either.
Any thoughts out there?
Sounds like you gave it a "washing."
Most likely raised the pH high enough to stimulate lots of yeast growth. ...and possibly invite invading organisms as well.
but the original had just sat in the fridge. It was such a strong yeast smell rather than the Sd smell that surprised me. That is why I only took a small amount off and rebuilt, I was afraid it was contaminated. the rebuild is fine but the rescued "washed" starter also smells strongly of yeast.
I will watch it a bit longer.