Are different flour starters better as leavening agents

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just wondering if any knows if different flours are better at rising bread - I generally use a rye starter as it’s easy to maintain and I like the flavour it imparts to the levain but are there big differences say between white, wholemeal, etc?

another quick question...does it matter that I use a rye starter (built over 3 days) in a levain that has white flour? or is it better to introduce white flour into build before making levain for bake?

Then compare.   Some starters will baulk at a new food source with an extended "lag time" to get going and others will not.  You just have to try it and see what happens.  (then let us in on what happened)  :)

ill do that - was thinking of adding 25% bread flour to this mornings build and then 50% tonight before leaving it to ferment overnight after which ill mix up levains tomorrow morning for the bread bake tomorrow night...

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