So today i just notice 1 flies around my sourdough starter would this be a problem if a flies poops into my sourdough starter? or it does not matter?
Actually i don't know what's going on like dust or flies because i am not home mostly at work xD and i didn't thought about any of this my starter first time seems to be working i guess and i would feel really disapointed if i have to throat it away again lmao :P
so i am wondering that question so if you please be honest answer i would appreciate :) and thanks for your time.
You should exclude flies from landing on your food-they love to land on other things (poop,rotten meat,etc) and they transfer germs to whatever they land on after that. That's why there are health laws about it.
Just cover your starter with a paper towel and rubber band or cloth towel and rubber band. Fruit flies are also attracted.
ya but how do i know now that my starter does not have any flies or whetever inside ?is there any way to figure mostly i keep 50 gram and discard the other....
Other than carefully taking off the top layer and feeding the fresh starter beneath. If your starter continues to be healthy and perform well then you can be assured that it hasn't been contaminated.
the pH of a mature sourdough starter is sufficiently low that most bad bacteria are not going to grow. Secondly, any thing that is in the final dough mix will be killed when you bake bread. Bacteria and yeast pretty much die at 150F and your bread should be at about 205F when full baked which means it is healthy enough to eat
thanks :)