Trouble getting ears on my bread


I have been having trouble getting a really good ear on my breads. Sometimes, like with my sourdoughs, they are big and beautiful. However with breads such as my baguettes and multi grains, they just don't open up and create the look I want. My boss has been challenging me for 2 years now to get this right for our guests. I have tried almost everything I can think of. I have read through old books, gotten new books, changed angles and depth of the score marks. Modified mix styles, adjusted the oven temps.. But still nothing. I fear one of the problems is the oven I use. The only one I have available-which is a rotating rack oven. I am hoping it is just me and I can adjust and fix the problem soon, because I have been using the breads at work as practice for my bread baker certification. 


Does anyone have any suggestions? Any help would be so appreciated!!

Thank you. I will have to look at this again before the next baguette bake( the baguettes are the biggest problem) I feel like I have tried a lot of this.. but its worth taking another look..

Would you think it would help to get a light skin on the loaf? 
