I am delighted with this recipe for Banh mi rolls...https://youtu.be/Dz9r3vNRxPA The rolls are so light just what I was looking for soft and light in the Center and slightly chewy crisp crust. Mine not as flaky crust as video but lovely. Made with an overnight sponge and half flour mixed in next morning. Beginners will manage this fine for this to turn out well the first time for me a new baker it's worth a try, they will make lovely dinner rolls as well as sandwich rolls. My slashing needs practice and left points off The ends....
I am so glad that you found this formula! I too really enjoy that same light crumb and delicate crust when it comes to a sandwich roll. Your efforts look wonderful.
I will make some soon. Right now I am using baguettes and as you know, the contents generally end up in your lap as you grind your teeth through the crust :-(
I must say I'm delighted, a forum user on here gave me the link when I was having a terrible time with ciabatta dough. So I tried it and loved it, I will be keeping this recipe much less crumbs than baguette...lol
I see you didn't score the loaf. This would probably be my choice as well but did you then get a blowout somewhere else? Also, what was your procedure for steam?
Yes I tried it blew flat cause I didn't score deep enough but I will practice. The steam ...I had a pan in the bottom of the oven as well spraying the rolls , thought I would try throwing a few ice cubes in the bottom of the oven, but that didn't work , so sprayed in the oven a couple of times. Would need something cast iron to throw ice into I think. I sprayed the rolls again after 8 min cooking. The crust isn't right yet but I will work on It. The scoring shows better in this pic, but work to be done...lol
Whew! So glad that worked out for you!
I was worried that I may have contributed to your frustration and began to feel a bit guilty!
I "lazified" my process when I make this type of bread; I skip the sponge portion and simply activate some yeast in warm sugared water...and then add the flour and salt. Steam is still critical tho...
Happy Baking! :D
The process was a bit daunting....I watched a few more videos banh mi the slapping of the dough was something different and the shaping will take practice not to mention the slashing...lol I was worried about how long to knead for, but the more I make it I will get more confident and lazify it as well. The sponge worked well never tried that before. My crust was not as thin and flakey as the video but the bread its self was lovely soft and light. I cooked them 20 min but covered them for the last 5 was worried about burning. Any tips for the crust would be greatly appreciated. These will be my favourite rolls, I know you never get them the way Vietnamese bakers do but a beautiful sandwich roll just the same. Thanks again markgo I am so happy with them.
beautiful banh mi rolls. i'm definitely trying the recipe.
thank you macette
Thanks Well worth a try Claudia, could not be happier....its great when it works out....lol Im happy to pass it on I got it from Markgo. Please let me know how yours go...
Seriously - I do NOT need any more bread (there is enough in the freezer), I do NOT need to bake and heat up the house (it's 32 deg C right now), I do NOT ... and here you go - dropping pics of fabulous banh mi, with delicious fillings yet!
Now I'm sitting here plotting mixing the sponge tonight then getting up at 0-dark-thirty to bake before the heat... Sheesh - will ya quit tempting me already?!
I am NOT going to do it (well - unless I change my mind!)
I WILL however, be definitely giving these a try once we cool down enough for me to use the oven. Thanks for the great example!
Oh - and you might find that baking these inside a roasting pan or using a baking sheet and heavy lid will hold in enough steam to get you the crust that you want (that's going to be my first method to try)...
Thanks IceDemeter, Its 5.30am just turned on the Mac and got a great giggle from your post...great way to start the day...My freezer is choc-a-block too, I really need a bigger freezer I have to go days without baking, then because I have so much bread I have to make sweet stuff its just not fair.....I love the baking pan idea I will try that for sure.
Wish I had your 32 deg don't think it has ever made 32 C here its lucky to make 18 C and thats the summer. And summer was on a Tuesday this year. There is a reason there are 40 shades of green here....
I do remember what 32C is like coming from OZ warm to the bone....ahhhhhh the memories.
Wish someone would make these rolls they are beautiful filled with nice stuff, so light, you might be able to eat two...:-)