Dough Calculator Baker's Percentages Spreadsheet - available to download

Profile picture for user DanAyo

After reading the BBGA articles on Formulas and Percentages I got interested in spreadsheets. And thanks to the help of others (LeslieRuf, Hadster, The Lazy Loafer, and Phaz), I think The spreadsheet Is a valuable tool for any baker interested in storing their bread recipes and formulas in a printable digital format. The Dough Calculator allows the user to change any aspect of the formula.

Below is a screen grab of the sheet.

LeslieRuf posted her Dough Calculator here if you want to take a look at hers.


I have gone over it and will send you my edits if you like. I don't know how to insert a link here so if you PM me with your email address I will send it to you.  

I have got closer to Hamelman's figures and the little difference is ok I think. 


DoughHooker, In Cell (I5) you have this formula.   =G5/236.5882365


Where is 236.5882365 coming from and do you have to manually enter that value into the formula? Sorry, didn't have much time to try to figure that our.



Impressive work, all.  The one thing I am not seeing in any of these is the ability to calculate by loaf weight.  Someone showed me spreadsheets that have this (I believe they are from SFBI).  You enter the percentage you want for each ingredient; when you set the loaf weight and number of loaves, all the other numbers adjust accordingly.

If you know the weight of the loaf and then multiply by the number of loaves needed you could enter that into the Total Dough Weight and get what you need.

Hi DanAyo.  Where does starter figure into the sheet?

Mine is 100% mixed rye and WW with pineapple juice.

I'll prooly use a few ounces with my dough.

It's unfortunate that it's set up this way, but it's quite instructive to see the day by day progression, so I recommend you cycle through the whole thing.  I printed the whole thing out when I first propagated my starter.

This is my plan with the afore mentioned mixed rye/ww starter.

Only coz I thing I must allow for some liquid of the starter and I wasn't sure how to, so I reduced the water.

Seem right?

Screen Shot 2018-03-27 at 12.16.34 PM.png

Metro, I don’t think adding the starter to the flours (taken from your image) is a good idea. A portion of the starter is water. This will throw the flours off.

How about this. Send me a message via PM (click on the DanAyo profile) and send me your email address. I'll send you another sheet that breaks down the starter in a more proper way. 

Spreadsheets really vary when it comes to levains, poolish, mother dough, etc. There are many ways to calculate it. I now use a method were the pre ferment is calculated using a percentage of the total flour in the formula. It will make more sense to you. I like doing it this way because it makes the hydration more accurate, among other things.

I'm going to have to update those files, I no longer like the way the preferments are calculated. It's been a while since I've dealt with this.
