
Profile picture for user philm63

Finally got a respectable loaf!

This was a strange one, though. I named this bake "What the Heck" because I just tossed all of the ingredients into the mixing bowl and put the KitchenAid on speed two for a few minutes until it all came together, then transferred to a plastic container with a lid, let it sit on the counter for 2 hours, and stuffed it into the fridge for an overnight rest to ferment cold.

This morning I got up early to build my first NMNF starter, and took a look in the fridge and said "Oh yeah, I've got some dough in here!" So I took it out and dropped it onto a lightly floured board and began with a few stretch-n-folds - got a feel for what the dough was like - needed a bit more development so back in the container it went for a 30-minute rest. Did another couple of sets of S&Fs and let it sit for a total of 2.5 hours on the counter top at which time I did the final shaping, and put it in a banneton and into the oven at 94 F for another couple of hours to finish proofing. 

The specs:

450g KABF

300g Water

100g Levain (very active, Rye at 100%)

10g Salt

70% Hydration

20% Levain (10% Fermented Flour)

I feel like I'm in the club, now. Woohoo!!

Profile picture for user sadkitchenkid

that's a beautiful crumb. Awesome job!

Apparently the "relax and pay attention to the dough" is the key for you, too.  Kudos on a truly lovely result!