Hi to all, I wanted to make some crusty dinner rolls. Would like to ask if I have a sandwich loaf recipe I like can I just turn it into rolls and would the cooking time and temp. have to change. For the loaf the temp is 175 and time is 35 mins. The batch will be using 500g flour not sure of roll size should I use about 65g per roll. Thank you in advance.
anything by Dan Lepard at The Guardian works a treat - just google...
Just take your usual loaf recipe, scale smaller (I typically scale to 80g though) proof and bake. I also bake hotter, about 200°C for rolls, 250°C for tins loaves for 12 minutes, then down to 210.
Ok I will try that with 80g rolls...200 c for 12 mins down to 210 c for ? Mins. do rolls cook quicker....
Rolls only take 10-15 minutes. It's loaves that I do the 2-stage heat/times on - 12-15 minutes high, then another 20 or 25 a bit lower. However ovens do vary - experimentation might be needed for your own oven.
Ok , thats great, glad I asked...lol could of had some well cooked rolls.