Mothers day here in Australia tomorrow so I made a batch of dinner rolls by request from my daughter for tomorrow's celebration. I know its not mothers day all over, and my mum used to think it was great as she lived in England and ended up having two mothers days. Sadly she is no longer with us, but I do have a super mother in law so to her and any of the Aussie mums out there I do hope you enjoy your very special day.
- yozzause's Blog
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These look great! Happy Mother's day indeed!
How did you get the top hat effect? Was that scoring or another technique?
Hi Ian the top hat or cap or beret is just a rolled thin disc of dough about the same diameter as the main loaf / roll placed on the top. There is a video of them on a previous post where I made them loaf size that David added when I was trying to recall the name of this particular loaf. I don't punch mine through just a gentle push in the middle. and I don't faf about as much as the video, simply pull a small piece off, roll it out and plop it on top Voila. No scoring on those they tend to open along the join naturally and it was suggested that this was possibly done originally to avoid scoring and risk of collapse if dough pieces were well proofed, which makes good sense as well as giving a distinctive and handsome loaf / roll . There is room to score the sides should you want to.
kind regards Derek
they look so perfect! I have never had a successful roll bake and seeing this truly delightful mix of shapes and finishes is ...well, --- heavy sigh --- so very far out of my dreams...
Your Mom obviously did a grand job, and your Mom-in-Law is a very lucky lady to have you accede to your daughter's request with such a grand array.
Thanks so much for sharing, and all the best to you and yours!
Thanks IceD those were very nice words thankyou , the rolls were very much enjoyed, my son in law did a great job roasting in the hooded BBQ and we had a great lunch with roast pork and beef and veg with the two daughters and their partners and the 3 grand daughters and mother in law all in attendance. The Dinner rolls were enjoyed by everyone too and the weather stayed nice and sunny around 25 degrees. The weather has since changed with night fall with wind and a shower of rain. We are pleased to see the rain though as it has NOT been here for more than a month.
Kind regards Derek
the different varieties all together too. These have to be tasty and healthy! Happy Mother's day to all the Mom's out there and happy baking Derek