i have made my first w/w sandwich loaf. I used the exact same recipe I use for white loaf to compare , everything is the same except a substitute 1/3 w/w flour. Any ideas as to what went wrong please. It tastes fine, just wish I had a bigger rise.
- 500g Strong white flour
- 1.5 teaspoons salt
- 2 teaspoons sugar
- 2 teaspoons baking yeast
- 300ml luke-warm water include 120ml milk
Will try a dedicated w/w recipe next time...just thought a small flour swap might be ok. Will try again....
I don't think anything went 'wrong', really. You're not likely to get the loft and softness of an all-white loaf when you have a lot of whole grain flour in it. There are lots of recipes out there for whole wheat sandwich bread (all or part), and they often use things like soakers and sponges to soften the bran and get things going. I've got one that uses orange juice to take some of the bitterness away from the taste of the whole wheat, and most or many will use milk, butter and a sweetener (honey) as well. It's a constant quest for the best whole wheat sandwich bread! You did good... :)
Thank you lazy loafer that has helped a lot. I don't feel quite so bad about it now. Maybe I will join the quest and try a few more recipes. The taste was fine so it will be eaten. Might try a sponge next time sounds like fun.
for that percentage of whole wheat! Your crumb looks nice and light and moist - and if it tastes good, then you are ahead of the game.
As Lazy Loafer says, whole wheat is a whole 'nother game, and has a ton of challenges thanks to the extra weight and oils and just the physical impact of the bran on the gluten structure. Things like sponges and soakers and enrichment all help, but a quick search on here of "100% whole wheat" will turn up a bunch of posts of folks asking what went wrong! It will also turn up a bunch of recipes that DO work out well (although maybe with not quite as much rise as you are used to with the white bread). One that uses a sourdough starter / levain but has fabulous results is this one: http://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/21575/sourdough-100-whole-wheat-oatmeal-sandwich-bread-whole-grain-breads-can-be-soft-too
Don't be discouraged by this at all - you really got a good result! That it isn't the result that you thought you'd get just means that you get to look around and experiment some more until you find the recipe that does give you what you want.
Keep looking and trying, and keep baking happy!
It is so great to get such wonderful encouragement on this forum, the information gained is so valuable to a newbie. I am really enjoying my baking journey and I really appreciate the help offered . I will check out the recipes.
That looks lovely Weizenbrot, saving that....----