Anyone got a recipe for sourdough bread prepared in bread machine?

My sourdough

Hello Abe! There are recipes on the net that use instant yeast which I want to avoid completely. 

Note: I've never used this machine before.. and the recipe book is missing but I guess I can figure out how it works once I have a recipe.

My starter works well but I use a lot more than what the recipe calls for because I maintain it in the refrigerator and if I had to use between 15-20% only, I'd have to spend a few days reviving it before baking.

There is a very good formula for the Panasonic. Care to experiment for your machine? The formula goes as follows... The flour within the Pre-Ferment should be 30% and choose the French Bread programme. I have just looked up the manual and a loaf can be 500g or 750g so based in this let's try the following....

Levain Build: night before in the breadpan

  • 40g starter
  • 82g warm water
  • 82g bread flour

Mix all this in the breadpan by hand but don't forget to include the paddle. Leave to mature overnight. In the morning when it's ready to on to the recipe...



  • 340g bread flour
  • 190g water
  • 7g salt
  • 204g levain

Next morning, when ready, proceed as follows...

1. In a bowl mix the flour and salt and place to one side.

2. In the breadpan add the 190g water to the Levain and mix thoroughly. 

3. Sprinkle the flour over the Levain. 

4. Choose the French Bread cycle.


I get a chance. I guess I'm gonna have to break the cycle to work out the proofing time and bulk ferment outside the machine. 

As I learn more I'm starting to believe the convinience of one machine does all and sourdough don't quite go well together. I use a stand mixer for kneading sourdough n oven for baking which produces decent results provided the bulk n proofing are done right.

Thanks anyways!