Recipe of this dish please


Hi all,

I would like to know if anyone has tried this dish called New England Clambake. I read about the dish here, It is a seafood dish, and its main ingredients are Mussels and crabs, Potatoes, onions, carrots, and corn. I found it very interesting, so thought of trying it since I love seafood. But, I was not getting a proper recipe for it. It would be great if you could help me here. Does anyone know a good recipe of this dish? Thank you.


Being from New England, but hating shellfish, never tried it, but have seen it plenty. It's a simple dish as I recall. Not much to it. Google it - I'm sure you'll find many recipes.

a seafood chowder, which I also love.  If you just google "seafood chowder"
you'll find plenty of recipes with variations.  Maybe one will suit you.
here's one.
Maybe you just want to stick to clams or add corn.  These recipes are guides.  Add what you think you'll like.  I like to add rockfish, shrimp, squid.
Potatoes, corn, onion, carrots.