Raisin water fermenting?


After seeing it discussed here on the boards, I decided to give raisin water a try. I've been keeping it for about three weeks now and it seemed fairly healthy. But when I took it out today to refresh it, I think it has started to ferment. I shook it up and it nearly blew the lid off of my mason jar. It was very fizzy. My question is - is that okay? Do I need to throw it out now or is this normal?

but given that you want to use it to raise (leaven) dough it sounds as if you are on the right track.

hopefully other Raisin water experts will chip in and set us both right, it is on my to do list (along with a few other things :))


Ok. Thanks for the help. I'm glad I was doing it right.

Since I've already revealed my ignorance about this stuff - why then couldn't you use beer or wine as a leaven? Is it the proportion of alcohol to yeast?

...they don't have active live yeasts in them (usually).

If you find a craft beer which does have live yeast in it then you can may bread from it. Like a barm bread.